FCE - Exam Preparation Courses

(Please check for availability before booking).
The course is 15 hours of lessons a week. Leading to the Cambridge First Certificate in English, this course teaches and practises English in the context of the five exam papers- Reading, Writing, Use of English, Listening and Speaking.

This course is for adult students who are at an upper–intermediate to advanced level, and who now wish to focus on increasing their accuracy and general competence in English and to prepare for an externally validated examination – the Cambridge First Certificate in English.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the FCE – Exam Preparation course, you will be able to:


B2 First (FCE)

B2 First, previously known as Cambridge English: First (FCE), is one of our widely recognized Cambridge English Qualifications. As our most popular exam, it is accepted by thousands of businesses and educational institutions globally.

A B2 First certification demonstrates that you possess the language skills needed to live and work independently in an English-speaking country or to study in English-taught courses.

This exam is a key milestone in your language learning journey, sitting between B1 Preliminary and C1 Advanced.

Course Summary

Hours per week: 15

Timetable: Check if your course is in the AM (08:45–12:00) or PM (12:45–16:00) shift

Level: Upper-Intermediate B2

Minimum age: 18

Max class size: 15 (in busy times up to 17 for a short periods of time)

Average class: size 9-12

Start date: Any Monday

Length of course: Minimum 1 week

Options: Combinations possible with additional courses at similar level.

Suitable for: All students and professionals